Telefonica (O2) Assessments

Prepare for the Telefonica recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting A Job At Telefonica

Telefonica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. Its headquarters are in Madrid, Spain.

Telefonica endorses O2 as its corporate brand, responsible for communication with customers.

Getting a job at Telefonica is a competitive process and requires candidates to work through a multi-stage process including psychometric tests, an interview and an assessment centre.

Telefonica Values

Telefonica employees are united by three common values that help guide every aspect of the company's work:

  1. We are open — open and collaborative systems help to ensure people that are always attentive and clear.
  2. We are bold — going above and beyond what is expected.
  3. We are trusted — a commitment to customers, always. This extends to attention to detail, excellence of service and a name that's associated with quality.

Types Of Roles At Telefonica

There are a huge range of roles at Telefonica to suit a real mix of strengths, skills and passions.

Whether you have a natural flair for customer service, an aptitude for tech or want to work in a support role for the company — the likelihood is you'll be able to find a role to suit you in one of Telefonica's many offices around the world.

Hiring Process At Telefonica

Before applying for a role at Telefonica, it's useful to understand the application process to get a sense of the time and commitment it may require of you:

Telefonica Online Application

The first part of the process is submitting an online application form.

The online form is fairly standard and helps to give Telefonica's employers a better understanding of your education and work experience so they can decide whether you're a suitable candidate to move to the next stage of the process.

O2 Cut-e Assessment

Telefonica uses Cut-e assessments to help screen candidates to ensure only the brightest minds and best talent make it to the next stage of each process.

There are a whole series of Cut-e psychometric tests that you may be asked to take, it just depends on the role you're applying for.

Telefonica Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is suitable for roles at Telefonica that involve working with numbers or data.

During the test, you'll be given a series of graphs, charts and tables and asked to interpret the data in front of you in order to select the correct multiple choice answer.

Telefonica Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning tests put more of an emphasis on communication; your ability to understand dense passages of text, recognise the difference between fact and inference, and communicate your findings effectively.

The verbal reasoning test will be set for roles where communication and comprehension are key skills required.

Telefonica Inductive Reasoning Test

Inductive reasoning tests are often said to be a good marker of general intelligence.

They work by giving the test taker a limited amount of specific information, and asking them to use it to form more general conclusions that will help solve a series of multiple-choice problems.

Given its focus on reasoning, interpretation and problem solving, this test is set in the application process for a variety of different roles at Telefonica.

Telefonica Deductive Logical Thinking Test

Logical reasoning, or deductive logical reasoning, is similar to inductive reasoning.

However, this test works by giving you more general information and then asking you to use it to form specific conclusions. Or to put it simply, it's about whether you can use the limited information in front of you to arrive at a logical conclusion.

Telefonica Spatial Reasoning Test

Spatial reasoning tests are non-verbal. They require candidates to look at a series of shapes in both their two and three-dimensional forms, before mentally rotating, manipulating or rearranging them in order to answer multiple-choice questions.

Spatial reasoning tests are very common in technical, mechanical and engineering roles.

Telefonica Situational Judgement Test

Situational judgement tests help employers to better understand how you're likely to function in the workplace.

You'll be asked a series of questions unique to the role you're applying for and your responses will help the employer to see whether your beliefs and actions are a good fit for the role and team you're applying to.

Telefonica Personality Test

Personality tests are your chance to show what makes you tick.

Employers will be looking for candidates whose answers roughly marry up with the values, beliefs and ethics of Telefonica. And although you should bear this in mind, it's important to answer the questions as honestly as you can.

Telefonica Assessment Centre

If you successfully complete the Cut-e test(s) you've been assigned, you'll move onto the next stage of the process — the assessment centre.

This is a chance for Telefonica employers to get to know you better and see how you interact as part of a group.

While it's important to be seen and heard, you also want to show you have the ability to listen, so try and find a healthy balance between the two. It's also good to go with a few questions of your own so you can show you're engaged and interested in the business and its development.

Telefonica Case Study / Presentation

Within the assessment centre, you'll be required to take part in a case study presentation exercise.

The exercise has problem-solving at its heart, so you'll need to use your analytical skills to arrive at a conclusion that you'll then present back to the group.

Telefonica Group Exercise

As you've probably guessed, the group exercise is about assessing the role you adopt in a group, and how well you can both lead and let others take the lead when appropriate.

You'll need to work together to complete a task, and you'll all be monitored on your contributions (think quality, not quantity!).

Telefonica Role Play

The role-play exercise is a chance for you to get into character as a Telefonica employee, and for the employer to see how well you respond to certain questions and challenges.

Being aware of the company's goals and values can help you to think on your feet and embody a successful Telefonica employee.

Telefonica Interview

The final stage of the process is the interview.

As well as a chance for Telefonica to pose any questions they may have about you, your work experience and your suitability for the role, it's also an opportunity for you to find out anything you want to know to decide if a role at Telefonica would be right for you.

Remember to prepare in advance, dress smartly and listen carefully to what's being asked of you.

What Is It Like To Work At Telefonica?

Dynamic, flexible and full of opportunity — there are many positives to being part of an exciting multi-national company like Telefonica.

As well as the career development opportunities, there is also a positive and friendly culture which can make the day job even more enjoyable.

Top Tips To Getting Hired At Telefonica

Following these top tips can help to strengthen your application and boost your chances of being offered a job at Telefonica:

Research The Company

Knowing your stuff about Telefonica can help to set you apart from other candidates.

As well as key milestones, values and projects, try and look at recent news or updates about future-looking initiatives. Knowing details like this can help you to ask insightful questions in your interview, while also showing an employer that you're keen and engaged with the company.

Practice Tests

The psychometric tests are a challenging part of the application process, and the speed at which you need to work through the questions contributes to this.

The more you practice, the more accurate, fast and confident you'll get.

Have your own questions prepared

Whether it's at the interview or the assessment centre, ensuring you're always prepared with a few questions of your own will help you to stand out for all the right reasons.

Sample Telefonica (O2) Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Based on the interest in next-generation connectivity solutions from both residential and business customers, how should a telecommunications company adjust its strategy?

  • Increase the focus on legacy technologies to maintain current infrastructures.
  • Prioritize the expansion of 5G networks and integration of IoT solutions.
  • Shift all resources to immediate nationwide 5G roll-out without assessing regional demand.
  • Disregard 5G and IoT as fads and invest in other areas.

A customer service department at a telecommunications company received a total of 1,200 calls last week. If 30% of the calls were inquiries about the new data plans, how many calls related to the new data plans did the department receive?

  • 300 calls
  • 360 calls
  • 400 calls
  • 480 calls

After reading the following statement, choose the option that best describes the author's position: 'Leveraging the latest technologies in machine learning and AI, telecommunications companies can now personalize customer experiences and streamline network maintenance.'

  • The author believes that new technologies have a limited impact on customer experience.
  • The author is neutral about the impact of machine learning and AI in telecommunications.
  • The author advocates for the utilization of AI to improve customer experiences and operational efficiency.
  • The author suggests that network maintenance has not been significantly affected by advancements in AI and machine learning.

If a telecommunications company implements a new billing system that reduces the time to process payments by 20%, and it previously took 5 minutes to process each payment, how long does it take to process a payment using the new system?

  • 3 minutes
  • 4 minutes
  • 6 minutes
  • 4 minutes and 30 seconds

Which statement best reflects the main idea of the following text: 'Groundbreaking 5G technology is set to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world, offering unprecedented speed and connectivity. The implications for data transmission and Internet of Things devices will be substantial.'

  • 5G technology presents minor improvements over previous technologies.
  • The advent of 5G technology is likely to have significant effects on data transmission and IoT devices.
  • Internet of Things devices will become less relevant with 5G technology.
  • There will be no real change in digital interaction with the introduction of 5G technology.

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Telefonica (O2) Assessments Tips

Know What to Expect

Before diving into practice tests, take a moment to familiarize yourself with what Telefonica might throw your way. Their assessment process typically involves psychometric tests designed to measure your cognitive abilities and how well you handle stress. Knowing the test format in advance can help you to navigate the questions more effectively.

Practice Under Timed Conditions

Telefonica wants to see how well you can perform under pressure. When using Techtest, simulate test conditions by timing yourself. This can acclimate you to the pace you'll need to maintain during the real thing and help you manage your time more efficiently.

Sharpen Your Communication Skills

For Telefonica, communication is key—after all, they endorse O2 for communication with customers. Don't just stop at the written tests; practice articulating your thought process and reasoning, which can be invaluable during interviews and assessment centers.

Stay Calm and Focused

Job tests can be daunting, but keeping a cool head will pay off. Techniques such as deep breathing or positive visualization can help you maintain composure. After all, clarity of mind leads to better performance, especially in a high-stakes environment.

Reflect on Your Practice Tests

After completing practice exams on Techtest, take time to review your answers, particularly the ones you got wrong. Understanding where you slipped up can turn your weak spots into strengths and boost your confidence before you face Telefonica's actual exams.

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Telefonica (O2) Assessments FAQs

How long does it take to get hired at Telefonica?

This depends on the role you're applying for, but it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Does Telefonica pay well?

Pay depends on the role you're applying for, but in general, the pay at Telefonica is considered to be fair.

Why should I work for Telefonica?

As well as the fact that Telefonica is a well-known, respected and trusted multi-national corporation, the company also boasts a great benefits package, flexible working and a positive reputation as a fun and progressive employer.